Design NJ – 9 Ways To Create a Pet-Friendly Home
Mary Fran Brassard with Coco Chanel Colette Brassard, her Coton De Tulear. Photo by Lisa Palermo | Brassard Design | Rumson | 732-741-3773 | BrassardDesigns.com
Design NJ – 9 Ways To Create a Pet-Friendly Home
Mary Fran Brassard with Coco Chanel Colette Brassard, her Coton De Tulear. Photo by Lisa Palermo | Brassard Design | Rumson | 732-741-3773 | BrassardDesigns.com
Love this photo of Coco and since very cold & windy here thought it could be a good post. Coco Chanel Colette Brassard know how to keep warm with these wicked March winds blowing here & dropping our temps in NJ! She loves her Fabulous Fur throw (faux!) Hopefully our last blast of winter cold.
One of my favorite things to do at the beginning of each year is to come up with a word or phrase that is symbolic for me for that year. We had been cocooning in so many ways last year that I wanted to look forward to what will come out of the cocoon – a butterfly! So this is my Year of the Butterfly – focusing on becoming free again, renewed, and transformed -appreciating life like never before! Thank you to Gretchen & Liz of the Happier podcast for the idea of a word of the year- this year Liz and I came up with the same word! Do you have a word for your year ahead? It’s fun to ponder and give some focus on what you want rather than circumstances! Give it a try!
“I love this photo from IKEA’s holiday mailing! My grandmother would help me make forts with blankets under her dining room table. It was my favorite thing to do and I still remember the feeling of being so cozy and safe and happy in my little fort. Did you make a fort with blankets and a table as a kid? Remember & savor that wonderful feeling. My wish for you is to feel like that in your home & your heart during this unusual holiday season & every season!”
From Martinis to Manhattans this bar can handle it! A stylish bar for stylish clients! And always love working with Town & Country Kitchen and Bath.
Looking forward to having cocktails again with friends and family. 🍸 This bar, from our #unionaveproject , is perfect for mixing up cocktail favorites!
Now where did that bartender go? 😉 Cheers!
Photo: Mike Van Tassell Photography Design Collaboration: Brassard Designs #zendesigns #brassarddesigs#stylishbar #zendecorating
All ready for fall! David loves the owl so he’s always part of the decor. Shop your own home for fun things that reflect the warmth or the textures and colors of autumn – I like “autumn” more than “fall”! Baskets are all the rrage and look great grouped together. Gather together art, ceramics, branches of golden, Burnt orange and brilliant red leaves. Add some adorable mini pumpkins and voila your fall vignette!
Creating a new master bathroom for a client with the @Divine Miss M”-Donna Martin from Tiled Interiors in Red Bank. Such a blast working together! We spark each other‘s creativity. This creamier, softer palette & wood tones is the new trending look.
My good friend Lisa sent me this picture of Coco – Love her reflection and also that the two smaller balls are reflected. Having things you love reflected back to you doubles the love. <3