Day: August 27, 2020

Library Au Courant (Trending)

The home library is trending big now. Create a room, space or a cozy corner surrounded by books and magazines that ignite your imagination, bring a sense of calm, inspire you to follow your passions or transport you to exotic destinations around the world. Here you have the world at your fingertips, what are you going to do with it?

#library #trending #brassarddesigns#zendesigns #zenlibrary

Why a Fire Pit is a great idea even more now!

1. Adds a Multi-Season Space ~ Create a space that encourages you to be out more to enjoy the fresh air.
2. Ambiance and warmth ~ On colder night, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and enjoy the fire’s glow and the dancing of the flames. The light of the fire draw us closer and wraps its warmth around us. (Keep a few blankets draped on chairs for additional warmth).
3. Add a spark into your romance ~ Enjoy a cocktail or glass of wine and being with your loved one.
4. Fireside Entertainment ~ Perfect for safe social distancing. Invite friends and family over, arranging chairs around your fire pit and have a great time. No fire is the same, so it is always welcoming, warming and mesmerizing.
5. Get Cookin’ ~ Who doesn’t love roasting marshmallows and making s’mores…be creative!